Reimagining Rural
For the past two years a group of local volunteers, the MSU Extension Office, and multiple Cut Bank organizations, have come together to discuss the changes in the marketing and branding of our rural community. Under the program titled "Reimagining Rural", small communities are able to provide locals, travelers, and tourists the ability to access information using a continuity in branding and marketing. By displaying a consistency within the Cut Bank Brand, we can extend our values to our citizens and our guests and further represent this community's diligence to thrive together, support each other, and continue to grow.
Branding Style Guide
These guidelines were created in order to maintain the design integrity of the Cut Bank, Montana Brand. It is to be used to facilitate best practices in implementing a consistent look across all materials distributed by Cut Bank.
Contact the Cut Bank Area Chamber of Commerce for the NEW Brand Logo Files.
Mailable Brand Use Application
Digital Application Coming Soon