Cut Bank Chamber Economic Development
At their regular September 2010 board meeting, the Cut Bank Development Corporation (CBDC) decided to dissolve as an economic development organization. The Chamber was grateful for all of the hard work and time that CBDC invested in the Cut Bank community. The CBDC and Cut Bank Area Chamber of Commerce boards together held numerous discussions over several weeks to ensure that the economic development needs of the community would continue to be met. Both boards were in agreement that the Chamber would be best suited to pursue and follow through with the economic development interests in Cut Bank. With the loss of this organization, the Chamber felt the need to develop an economic arm of its own within the Chamber.
The primary mission of The Cut Bank Area Chamber of Commerce's economic development committee is to provide support to existing Cut Bank businesses with the focus on retention and expansion, as well as to promote Cut Bank as a desirable area to attract new businesses. The Chamber board of directors maintains a separate bank account for the economic development committee.
To date, the Economic Development committee within the Cut Bank Chamber has been very successful. Some of our accomplishments include completing a market research study, filled an empty storefront on Main Street, successfully recruited a new brewery to Cut Bank and receiving an EPA Brownfields Clean Up grant for the Cut Bank Public Drug building in the amount of $199,833.
Cut ​Bank Public Drug Building Fact Sheet